
Two poems based on the Easter season lectionary.

Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
As Easter soon concludes,
We take a brief look back.
Reflecting on surprises,
With this Christ had a knack.

Two gents were on the road,
And spoke of many things.
A stranger then approached,
New perspective he would bring.

The stranger could not help,
But join them on the way.
He wondered quite aloud,
What the two would say.

What do you speak of,
As you walk along?
You sound excited!
Is something going on?

The two then shared of Jesus,
Of their hopes and dreams.
And that, shockingly he died;
Tragic victim of a scheme.

The two then shared of Jesus,
Of their hopes and dreams.
But now? All was lost.
At least that’s how it seemed.

Then some other friends,
Threw the two a loop.
What those women shared,
Makes for quite the scoop.

Seeing the dead man’s tomb,
The stone was rolled away.
The women peered in;
This is what they say.

The tomb is empty!
Angels say he is alive!
The tomb is empty!
Could Christ be revived?

The two gents were unsure,
As they walked along.
They did kind of wonder –
Was something going on?

The stranger then spoke,
Oh how slow are you!
The Messiah told us!
That’s what God would do!

Day’s journey now done,
The three sat down to eat.
It was then, and only then,
Their eyes would truly meet.

The stranger –
Took bread,
Blessed it,
Broke it.

Suddenly they knew.

The stranger –
Took bread,
Blessed it,
Broke it.

That’s what God would do.

This was no stranger!
This was a close friend!
This was – Jesus!
Their eyes were opened.

Then poof, Christ was gone,
The two ran to share the news.
They went, telling others.
Of what God did do.

Elements (Acts 1:6-15)
The eleven gathered close,
With Christ once again;
Reunited, together,
Recalling way back when.

Still listening, still learning,
One question yet remained.
Still listening, still learning,
One answer not explained.

Disciples gathered round,
One question here on earth,
God’s kingdom isn’t here,
When cometh this rebirth?

I know not, Christ said,
The time or place or means.
My Father sets those clocks,
Right now? We’re in between.

I know this, Christ said,
The Spirit’s on the way.
She’ll guide you, eternally,
She’ll be here soon, to stay.

The heavens then opened,
Christ ascended to the sky.
Through clouds, then gone.
His glory now on high.

As eleven gazed in wonder,
Two angels then appeared;
Watched men rubbernecking –
The angels thought it weird.

Why do you stand,
Gazing up above?
Work here, they said,
Sharing God’s great love.

Two angels then ascended,
Disciples departed too.
They headed to the City,
God’s work soon to do.

In an upper room,
Eleven gathered, prayed.
Women, others joined in,
One hundred-twenty stayed.

Soon enough, my friends,
Pentecost it will be.
The coming of God’s Spirit,
She’ll light us up, you’ll see.

Soon enough, my friends,
Pentecost it will be,
A Spirit that encourages.
She’s for you, and me.

She appears in many forms,

With –
A whish,
A whirl,
A wind.

When she arrives,
Fresh life enters in.

She appears in many forms,
Always read to inspire.
Do you believe, beloved?
She carries God’s great fire.


Earlier this week our family adopted a dog. Our previous pet, a Jack Russell Terrier named Queso, died unexpectedly this past Winter. She was only four years old. After grieving for a spell it was time for our family to find a new furry friend.

By chance Kathi saw a listing for a beagle from Raccoon River Pet Rescue in Perry that looked promising. We submitted an application, hoping for the best. A few days later one of their adoption agents, Rene, got in touch.

We think you might be a good fit for this particular dog, Rene said.

Come in for a visit.
Meet this furry friend.
See if you agree.

So Wednesday morning, with the kids in school, Kathi and I hopped in the car for the 45-minute ride.

We arrived, met Rene in the lobby. Rene told us of her love of dogs, how many she has at home, their breeds. She then gave us the history of this particular shelter, including when it was founded, who it serves, how it stays so clean.

Over the years Kathi and I have been to more than a few pet rescues in the search of future family members. I found myself thinking yep, this one is pretty clean. Well run too.

Rene told us about a large litter of Papillons that had also recently come in. She lamented that puppy mills often dump large numbers of dogs when they have too many. Left to fend for themselves there is no telling what would happen without help.

Fortunately, these Papillons have something going for them. They are cute! Full grown Papillons are less than 10 pounds, can fit in your handbag, and have those big fuzzy ears. Called the ‘Sweet Sixteen’ by the rescue the Papillon siblings proved popular. Posted online last Thursday night 77 applications for them came in over the weekend, whoa!

Once received Rene then reviews applications, reaching out to people that might be a good fit.

Her description of this initial pairing, of people and pooch, reminded me of online dating –
– Swipe right if you’re interested
– Swipe left if not

Rene’s goal with these pairings is simple. She wants to ensure the pets under her care find a forever home. These animals have all faced either abandonment or abuse. It’s a tough world out there. Rene wants more for them than that.

Kathi and I then asked about our possible dog, a beagle, hoping to learn more. Rene shared they had been found a few weeks ago and taken in. The dog at the time had no tags, no chip, and was skinny. They were about 10 months old. That, she said, was just a guess.

Would it be ok to see her, we asked? Yes, Rene said, grabbing the keys. She unlocked the door that kept strangers out, and dogs in, and went to retrieve the beagle.

Shortly after Rene returned, pooch in tow. There she is! The super-cute beagle ran right to us, smiling, wagging her tail. She then jumped up on Kathi’s lap, licking my wife’s face. Things were off to a good start.

As we got to know the dog Rene watched us interact. We were checking out the dog, pondering what may be. All while Rene was checking us out, still gathering information. She wanted to ensure we were a good match.

Your application said your home has a fenced in yard? Rene wanted to confirm. Yes, I responded, making a mental note to repair a few loose spots in the fence. That would be good for her, Rene said. She can run and play and be safe.

Here, take some treats, Rene said, handing me a few. She loves those. Extending my hand down I offered one to the dog. She took it, staying near as I rubbed the nape of her neck.

The animal had a beautiful cinnamon coat. Our family had talked about possible names earlier, and had the list trimmed to three. That cinnamon color created a clear choice. She would be Churro.

Rene then gave us other advice on things like vet visits, training options, how best to feed. As we chatted I noticed something. Every time Rene spoke Churro looked over to her. Because Churro knows Rene’s voice.

Kathi and I were still strangers.

For the past few weeks Churro had been provided shelter, food, water. She had received required vaccinations, was spayed, and chipped. Here she had been treated well.

And if she ever gets lost again? The chip points Churro home. Back to a place she is safe, protected, cared for. No matter what.

While filling out adoption papers – yes, we’ll take her we decided enthusiastically – Churro walked over to a nearby lobby window. That window is a view to the cat room; Churro was attempting to make some feline friends. A cat then approached on the other side of the glass. The two were practically nose to nose. The cat swatted at our cinnamon beagle, scaring her. Churro jumped and turned away. Rene, Kathi and I just laughed, it was great.

Churro was less than amused.
Churro then ran toward safety.

Did she run to us? No. She went straight to Rene. She sat right on Rene’s feet, staring at the cat. Churro’s protector clearly had her back.

Because this beagle –

knows Rene.
knows Rene’s voice.
goes to that voice when called.

With Rene this beagle is safe.

I realized our family would need to build this trust, between human and beagle, too.

Paperwork now signed it was official, Churro was ours. Yeah! Now back home we busied ourselves ensuring we were ready to care for our new furry friend.

– Vet appointment scheduled;
– Floors cleaned, small objects removed;
– Food and water shared;
– Fence line repaired;
– Toys and balls introduced;

Last night after dinner our family of five went to the back yard to make smores in the firepit. Each of us took turns with Churro running, jumping, playing.

Each of us took turns calling out Churro! Come here! You’re a good girl! Want to play ball? Come on, fetch!

We’ve just had her three days. These things take time. But slowly –

Churro is learning her name.
Churro is turning her head when we call.
Churro is beginning to follow.

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, our new furry friend is beginning to learn our voice.

This story is one way to understand today’s scripture, John 10:1-5.

In antiquity the function of a shepherd, and how they protect sheep was a given. The original audience would have known plenty about that.

In the 2,000 years since perhaps some of that assumed understanding has been lost.

We do, however, know about pets. At least many of us. Two-thirds of US households own a pet. Most are either dogs or cats.

From that many of us know what it is to care for them.

I’d suggest that an animal rescue group is a good comparable to the lengths the Good Shepherd goes to care for us. Consider this –

From the very beginning the Good Shepherd takes us in, claims us as their own. We are adopted into God’s family in the waters of our baptism, after all.

The Good Shepherd provides shelter, food, drink. Under their care –

we are loved,
we are valued,
we belong.

The Good Shepherd wants nothing more than to see us laugh and play and run. This always was, always is, always will be the plan.

And when harm approaches? They stand at the gate to keep it at bay, keys in hand. Even when those scary cats on the other side of the glass appear.

Over time we learn to –

Recognize their voice.
Turn our gaze toward them.
Follow where they lead.

Other voices constantly vie for our attention. That is truer now than ever. When we listen to other voices we can get lost, hurt, feel alone.

It’s a tough world out there. The Good Shepherd wants more for us than that.

And when we stray? The Good Shepherd welcomes us back home, arms open wide, nursing us back to health.

This is the voice of Love. No other voice matters more. Amen.


Recently my wife and I have been catching up on Marvel Universe movies and series we’d missed the past couple of years. We’ve zoomed through Wakanda Forever, Hawkeye, Moon Knight. Up next is Black Widow, Shang-Chi, She Hulk. And when Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 comes to the big screen next month? You better believe we’ll be there.

When I dove into scripture to prepare this message it was hard not to get excited. Because when it comes to surprise heroes, flying creatures from other realms, supernatural strength, earthshaking action, bad guys getting their just desserts, and unexpected sequels?

Like a good Marvel plotline – this Easter tale has it all.

As with many memorable narratives there is a prequel. The backstory goes something like this. Religious elites and government empire types had been trying to get rid of our Hero for years. Every time danger was near, he got away.

Sometimes the Hero escaped with words. Other times it was a surprise getaway. And every-so-often? Divine intervention was the name of the game.

Realizing they couldn’t take our Hero out on their own the religious elites and government empire types cut a deal. An insider on our Hero’s team is what they’d need. From there it was a bribe, a betrayal, a trial, a death.

And that was that.
Hitjob complete.
Our Hero gone.

Usually this means –

Story over.
End scene.
Credits roll.

The screen goes dark.


But wait. This time there is more.

Amid nothingness the atmosphere shifts slightly. What’s that in the distance? Can you see it? There, far, far away. Horizon. And with it the first glimmer of light. A new dawn appears.

As darkness dissipates two women enter. Women? In a superhero story from two millennia ago?

From divinely inspired words written by men?
From a society even more patriarchal than ours?

The Marvel universe has given us leading women for decades, with characters like Storm, Captain Marvel, the Scarlett Witch. When Marvel breaks new ground, celebrating the strengths of women, or racial and ethnic minorities, or orientations of all kinds, well, it often creates controversy.

At least at first.

But this story? Our sacred texts stirred up that controversy long ago.

These leading women, Mary Magdalene and another mysterious Mary, then walk towards our Hero’s tomb. It is they who first experience what happens next.

Without warning the earth begins to quake. There are tremors all around. Strong ones. They didn’t know it yet, but so much of what Mary and Mary thought they knew was about to get rocked, changed forevermore.

Then, in the distance, more light. Its source unclear. Is it a meteor? A falling star? It gets larger, closer. To the two Marys it appears as lightning, descending from above.

Their eyes slowly adjust to the new brightness.

And then they realize. Whoa!

The radiance originates from an angel of the Lord.

The angel looks around, gathers their bearings.

They are here for the big job.
They know just what to do.

The angel spots their target.
The angel advances on it.

There it is.
That’s the tomb.

With the strength of Thor, the angel rolls a massive stone from the entrance. It took only the flick of a wrist.

The scene makes clear –

A grave robber didn’t do it.
A sympathetic soldier didn’t either.
And it wasn’t a band of guerrilla disciples.

It was the angel who had descended from on high.

Heavy lifting now complete, the angel pops up on the boulder, sits on it, surveys their surroundings. They see two government empire types. The empire types are there to keep the Hero’s followers from stealing the body. Because if they did? A fake claim could be made that our Hero was back. That task, of fraud prevention duty, would be infinitely more difficult now.

The angel sat, looking down on the weaponized machinations of empire there to keep our Hero down. Perhaps the angel said something to the guards, having a little fun at their expense.

Hey Dudes!

Paralyzed in fear, the guards fell to the ground. This time it was the empire who rolled over, as if dead.

The two Marys watch the action, trying to decipher what it meant. Looking to provide clarity the angel approaches. Phase two of the mission begins.

Do not be afraid, the angel shares.
You *just* missed our Hero.
Go, tell the men.

The men?

The leading women couldn’t help but crack a grin. You mean the group of guys that swore allegiance to our Hero and are hiding in fear?

You mean the group of guys known to –


The two Marys were always cleaning up the messes these guys made. They’d been doing it for years. They were now being asked to do it, once again.

It would have been difficult,
for the two Marys,
not to roll their eyes.

Never ones to shirk responsibility, the women entered the tomb, looked around.

Yeah, it’s empty.
Our Hero is not here.
Better tell the guys.

The angel pipes up again.

Our Hero has been raised.
He has gone on ahead.
Here are the coordinates.
Meet our Hero there.

And with that the angel departs.
Back from whence they came.

The leading women were ecstatic.

Oh my Gosh!
Our Hero is back!
Better tell the guys!

There was –


Mary and Mary raced to share the good news with the team.

The plot then twists, once more. On their way, along the path, our Hero appears.

Mary and Mary lock eyes with him from a distance. Our Hero yells –


The leading women approach our Hero, grab his feet, thrilled he was physically there with them, once again. And they worshipped him.

The two Marys knew, in that moment, they were in the presence of the risen Lord. The religious elites and the government empire types had been trying to get rid of our Hero for years. This time they thought they had him. Once more, their efforts were in vain.

Jesus tells Mary and Mary –

Tell the guys!
Here are the coordinates.
I’ll meet you all there!

With this, the two Marys became the first post-resurrection evangelists to see and share about the risen Lord.

End scene.
The screen darkens.
Credits roll.

Like any good Marvel movie, you best not leave the theatre just yet. Because this story too has a post credit clip. The teaser gives you a glimpse of what is to come.

The screen darkens, again.
Three words appear.



This partnership, of religious-based oppression coupled with the machinations of empire is an age-old story. Jesus experienced it firsthand. It has ebbed and flowed throughout history ever since. The partnership is designed to keep some people down and benefit others. It is sadly alive and well today. These days the partnership is best known for being against lots of types of people, including being against –

The Black,
The Brown,
Immigrants, even

But that’s not what Jesus is about.
That is not how it should be.

For we are called to care for, love and serve our neighbors.
No matter who those neighbors may be.

Like today’s Easter tale, some of our leading characters come from these groups.

We’ve got to stop trying to remove them from our stories.
We’ve got to stop trying to remove them from our history books.

When you get down about the times we live in – sometimes I do –

Let us remember the two Marys. For it is often the overlooked, the belittled, the marginalized that are the stars of God’s show.

Let us remember the angel. They who casually sat atop the rolled away stone, beside an empty grave. They who watched the empire tasked to keep Jesus gone just fade away.

Like a good Marvel movie, even when the end credits roll it is never quite over. For Christ’s story is one of renewed hope. It is a promise that help is on the way. No matter how much darkness is around.

For Christ’s story is –



Let us remember our Savior, who meets us on the journey. Today and every day. It is then our Hero tells us, triumphantly –

I’m back!
Go, tell the others.

Like any good Marvel Movie, it takes more than one person to save the world.

We’re not Avengers.
Or the Justice League.

We are, instead, called to be Guardians of the Galaxy. We do this work in the name of Christ. For we are not religious oppressors or tools of empire.

We are on God’s team.

Can you see it?
A glimmer of light!
A new dawn appears. Amen.

Feed Clean Love

After leading a movement that informed so much for so many, change was in the air. There was celebration, yes. But also anxiety. And fears of what might next come.

Jesus knew.
The disciples?
Not exactly.

For Jesus every moment was a teachable one. Every interaction a lesson meant to last. Before a –

Tomb –

there was a gathering of close friends. It is in this intimate setting Jesus shares three central themes of God’s plan for us here.

It is a –

Cliff notes of sorts.
Final summation.

Taken together the three help us divine all the rest.

It begins with food and drink. After a long day’s journey Jesus and the twelve did what they always do: they shared a meal. Being among people you care for it is easy to imagine small talk, jokes, favorite memories, laughter, troubling tales, plans being made. A room with so many would have been noisy, boisterous, lively.

Amid this animated scene Jesus –

took bread,
gave thanks,
broke it,
shared it,


Take and eat,
this is my body,
given for you.

Remember me.

After supper, he –
took drink,
gave thanks,
lifted it,
shared it,

A new covenant,
In my blood,
This cup is,

Shed for you,
And for all,
To forgive sin.

Remember me.

Before departing Christ ensured the twelve were fed, both in body and soul.

Stomachs filled,
drinks consumed,
their bodies were nourished.

Taking the bread,
drinking the cup,
Christ was within them.

And would be, forevermore.

It continues with water. The same element that cleanses our spirit in baptism, cleanses our earthly body too. After a long day’s walk Jesus and the twelve would have accumulated physical reminders of the journey. Dirt, sand, sweat, possibly pebbles, a cut, a bruise.

Amid this soiled scene Jesus –

Arose from supper,
Took a towel,
And a basin,
Poured water in,
Invited disciples over,
Washed their feet.

Peter objected,
Saying never!

Jesus held firm:

You must wash,
To be part,
Of the team.

You must wash,
To be made,
Fully clean.

Do you know why? His students didn’t say much. Perhaps they mumbled a few half-hearted responses. Once again, they never quite understood. Christ continues –

For you I set an example.
Do as I have done, to you.

For we are called to serve one another.
Regardless of what our status in life is.
Regardless of what our status in life is not.
For no one is too great to address human need.

Before departing Christ ensured the twelve were clean, both in body and soul.

They knew to baptize,
In the name of the Lord.

They knew to care,
For one another.

Cleaning up life’s messes,
As they go.

With this too,
Christ was with them.

And would be, forevermore.

It concludes with love. Bellies full, bodies clean, his time with the twelve was running short. This last lesson Christ shares sums up them all. It is a command so filling, so purifying it informs the rest.

It is what gives life meaning.
Without it our world grows cold.

The instructions simple.
The words few.

Love one another.
As Christ loved us.

To follow Jesus.
Just do this.
That’s it.

And a disciple you will be.

Nothing more.
Nothing less.

All the –
People feeding,
Foot cleansing,
Oppressed supporting,
Devil arguing,
Blind seeing,
Deaf hearing,
Dead rising,
Elite infuriating,
System challenging,
Government frustrating –

That Jesus did,
Which was CONSTANT –

All of it,
Was done,
For us,
Out of love.

And we are implored to do the same.

Our Iowa state legislature and governor recently passed a series of laws that actively harm some of God’s children. More such laws could be on the way. As Christ followers we are called to more.

Feed all.
Cleanse all.
Love all.

Be Christ to all.
No exceptions.

We too need to challenge unjust systems we are part of.
We too need to be the light in times of darkness.
We too need to love as Christ first loved us.

This is the way.  Amen.

Come Alive

A poem based on Ezekiel’s dry bones and Lazarus raised.

The valley is devoid of all,
The silence there sends chills.
What now, what next, which way?
God? Are you here still?

Body parts lay scattered,
Strewn about the ground.
Bone here, bone there,
Is any life around?

Just when I think it’s over,
Comes something from above.
What is that you say?
It is the voice of Love.

The voice then asks a question.
Human can these bones live?
Oh Lord, you know, I answered.
Feeling rather glib.

They can, the voice responded.
Listen up, you’ll see.
Follow these directions,
And new life? It shall be.

Say – Get up, dry bones!
It is time to be restored.
Say dry bones listen!
Hear the word of the Lord.

I prophesied as commanded,

There was –
A noise,
A rattling,
A shake.

I prophesied as commanded,
Them bones began to wake.

In flight they reunited,
Bone by bone by bone.
Assembling together,
Once again at home.

Flesh upon flesh,
A reunion begun.
Skin upon skin,
Together, as one.

But something was, well, missing.
These beings not quite alive.
Without motion it’s nothing, I reasoned.
But with breath? They could revive.

They can, the voice responded.
Listen up, you’ll see.
Follow these directions,
And new life? It shall be.

Say – come hither wind!
Breathe upon the dead.
Bring with it your Spirit!
Breathe new currents instead.

I prophesied as commanded,

There was –
A whish,
A whirl,
A wind.

I prophesied as commanded,
Fresh life then entered in.

Renewed, restored, remade,
All was if as new.
Should have known, I reasoned,
That’s what God can do.

What was lost, now found,
The Lord had done the deed.
Should have known, I reasoned,
God cares for those in need.

It happened too with Lazarus,
Mary and Martha there.
Four days dead, oh, it stunk!
He gave them quite a scare.

Enter Jesus, who was a friend,
This death had made him sad.
Where were you Jesus, they asked?
It made him feel quite bad.

Take me to this man,
Then roll away the stone.
Take me to this man,
For this is still his home.

Jesus then spoke clearly,
Lazarus come out!
The dead then rose and walked,
Of this there was no doubt.

Soon enough beloved,
Easter it shall be – that’s
One more stone rolled.
Resurrection sets you free.

Soon enough beloved,
Easter it shall be.
Salvation is here!
For you, and for me.

So when your bones feel dry,
And you can’t hardly cope,
Remember Christ’s promise,
It brings with it: hope.

When your bones feel dry,

Pray for –
A noise,
A rattling,
A shake.

It is then the Spirit enters in,
And your bones begin to wake.

Get up, dry bones, revive!
It is time to be restored.
It is time to come alive, my friends,
Hear the word of the Lord.