Feed Clean Love

After leading a movement that informed so much for so many, change was in the air. There was celebration, yes. But also anxiety. And fears of what might next come.

Jesus knew.
The disciples?
Not exactly.

For Jesus every moment was a teachable one. Every interaction a lesson meant to last. Before a –

Tomb –

there was a gathering of close friends. It is in this intimate setting Jesus shares three central themes of God’s plan for us here.

It is a –

Cliff notes of sorts.
Final summation.

Taken together the three help us divine all the rest.

It begins with food and drink. After a long day’s journey Jesus and the twelve did what they always do: they shared a meal. Being among people you care for it is easy to imagine small talk, jokes, favorite memories, laughter, troubling tales, plans being made. A room with so many would have been noisy, boisterous, lively.

Amid this animated scene Jesus –

took bread,
gave thanks,
broke it,
shared it,


Take and eat,
this is my body,
given for you.

Remember me.

After supper, he –
took drink,
gave thanks,
lifted it,
shared it,

A new covenant,
In my blood,
This cup is,

Shed for you,
And for all,
To forgive sin.

Remember me.

Before departing Christ ensured the twelve were fed, both in body and soul.

Stomachs filled,
drinks consumed,
their bodies were nourished.

Taking the bread,
drinking the cup,
Christ was within them.

And would be, forevermore.

It continues with water. The same element that cleanses our spirit in baptism, cleanses our earthly body too. After a long day’s walk Jesus and the twelve would have accumulated physical reminders of the journey. Dirt, sand, sweat, possibly pebbles, a cut, a bruise.

Amid this soiled scene Jesus –

Arose from supper,
Took a towel,
And a basin,
Poured water in,
Invited disciples over,
Washed their feet.

Peter objected,
Saying never!

Jesus held firm:

You must wash,
To be part,
Of the team.

You must wash,
To be made,
Fully clean.

Do you know why? His students didn’t say much. Perhaps they mumbled a few half-hearted responses. Once again, they never quite understood. Christ continues –

For you I set an example.
Do as I have done, to you.

For we are called to serve one another.
Regardless of what our status in life is.
Regardless of what our status in life is not.
For no one is too great to address human need.

Before departing Christ ensured the twelve were clean, both in body and soul.

They knew to baptize,
In the name of the Lord.

They knew to care,
For one another.

Cleaning up life’s messes,
As they go.

With this too,
Christ was with them.

And would be, forevermore.

It concludes with love. Bellies full, bodies clean, his time with the twelve was running short. This last lesson Christ shares sums up them all. It is a command so filling, so purifying it informs the rest.

It is what gives life meaning.
Without it our world grows cold.

The instructions simple.
The words few.

Love one another.
As Christ loved us.

To follow Jesus.
Just do this.
That’s it.

And a disciple you will be.

Nothing more.
Nothing less.

All the –
People feeding,
Foot cleansing,
Oppressed supporting,
Devil arguing,
Blind seeing,
Deaf hearing,
Dead rising,
Elite infuriating,
System challenging,
Government frustrating –

That Jesus did,
Which was CONSTANT –

All of it,
Was done,
For us,
Out of love.

And we are implored to do the same.

Our Iowa state legislature and governor recently passed a series of laws that actively harm some of God’s children. More such laws could be on the way. As Christ followers we are called to more.

Feed all.
Cleanse all.
Love all.

Be Christ to all.
No exceptions.

We too need to challenge unjust systems we are part of.
We too need to be the light in times of darkness.
We too need to love as Christ first loved us.

This is the way.  Amen.

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