Joyful Noise

A reimagining of Psalm 98, as delivered at Bethesda’s 2019 Oktoberfest polka worship service

O sing to the Lord,
a new song!
Such marvelous things,
God has done.

Old songs are good,
hear me out,
the Amazing Graces,
and Mighty Fortresses,
and Blessed Assurances –

will be with us,
and treasured

But God is here,
among us,
right here,
right now,

And has done,
and is doing,
will do again,
marvelous, new things.

And that newness,
can’t help
but sound,
well, different.

This new song
turns up the volume,
while it whispers.
And gets your attention
In ways,
That just might surprise.

This new song
stirs from within,
a joy,
for the season,
of life,
we find ourselves in.

This new song
might just cause
you to clap,
or dance,
or even yodel;

to the sounds,
of an accordion?

God is doing new things!

It is easy
to sing
when things go well.

But singing,
when all –

Can be hard.

When shelter is scarce.
When some go hungry.
With sickness untreated.

Countries look inward,
not out.

We know
in these moments,
we feel
deep within,
God has more
to do,
in our lands.

It is then
where we reach,
to the heavens,
hands lifted high,
to make.some.noise.

A Joyful Noise,
to the Lord,
of all the earth,
breaks forth;
from us,
to our Creator,
we praise.

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Or harp,
or trumpet,
and worship,
the timeless one.

With music of polka?
Yes, even *that*

Sing your praises
to the One above,
to the One among us,
present with us,
right here, right now.

Raise a toast,
a marvelous God,
that hears prayers,
and listens,
when we call.

Cheer a God, that,
sees our flaws,
sees how we harm,
one another,
and points us,
in better directions.

This God sees us,
And knows,
how much more,
we could be.

And knows,
the chasm,
that exists,
between reality,
and design.

To bridge,
that gap,
once and for all –

God sent a Son
born of human flesh,
yet fully divine,
to live,
and teach,
and die,
among us.

To model
what it means,
to be
in right relationship,
with our Maker;
with each other.

This Son,
The Christ,
Then rose –

From the dead.

And brings new life!

For you,
and you
and you.

So let rivers roar!
Cobs of corn,
clap your hands!
Rolling hills,
sing together,
for joy.

So let us sing!
In good times,
and bad,
knowing God’s work,
here on earth,
isn’t yet done,

So let us sing!
Not because,
we’re happy,
or sad,
instead sing,
for God’s given us,

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